Breaking Five Harmful Leadership Habits for Effective Leadership

May 14, 2024

Leadership is a role desired by many that requires a combination of strong qualities, but bad habits can hinder one's ability to lead effectively. While developing leadership traits is important, eliminating detrimental habits is equally crucial.

To become an impactful leader, it's essential to break these five harmful habits:

Neglecting Others

This habit involves disregarding colleagues' emotional concerns or dismissing their ideas, which ultimately leads to a lack of connection and respect within the team. Whether it's multitasking during conversations or failing to acknowledge others' contributions, this behavior can create a negative and unproductive work environment.

To break this habit, actively engage in conversations, practice active listening, and show genuine interest in others' opinions. Make an effort to provide timely and constructive feedback, demonstrating that you value their input and contributions. By fostering open communication and empathy, you can overcome this detrimental habit and strengthen your relationships with colleagues.


This habit involves hesitating excessively when making decisions, which can erode your authority and create uncertainty among your team. Indecisiveness often leads to excuses, avoidance of commitment, and a lack of confidence in your leadership.

To break this habit, focus on developing your decision-making skills and cultivating self-confidence. While it's important to consider various perspectives and gather information, avoid overthinking to the point of paralysis. Trust your instincts, weigh the pros and cons, and make decisions in a timely manner. Embrace a growth mindset that acknowledges that mistakes are part of the learning process, and view each decision as an opportunity to learn and grow as a leader.


Micromanaging occurs when a leader excessively oversees and controls every detail of their team's work, stifling creativity and autonomy. This behavior undermines trust and hampers employee development.

To break free from this habit, shift your focus from control to empowerment. Delegate tasks based on team members' strengths and give them the space to make decisions. Clearly communicate expectations and desired outcomes, then step back and allow your team to execute their tasks. Provide guidance and support when needed, but avoid unnecessary interference. Embrace a coaching approach by offering constructive feedback and encouraging self-sufficiency. This shift will foster a more engaged and empowered team while allowing you to focus on strategic aspects of leadership.

Excessive Ego

Allowing your ego to overshadow your leadership can hinder collaboration and growth. When ego drives your actions, you may resist feedback, belittle others, and seek personal recognition at the expense of the team's success.

To break this habit, practice humility and self-awareness. Recognize that your role is to serve the team and organization, not to boost your ego. Embrace feedback and listen to others' perspectives without defensiveness. Give credit where it's due and acknowledge the contributions of your team members. Shift your focus from self-promotion to fostering a positive and collaborative environment. By letting go of excessive ego, you'll create a more inclusive and empowered team that works together toward shared goals.

Blaming Others

Shifting blame onto others instead of taking accountability for your actions is a detrimental habit that erodes trust and unity within a team. It fosters a culture of finger-pointing and excuses, hindering personal and collective growth.

To break this habit, start by practicing self-awareness. Acknowledge when you're tempted to blame others and pause to reflect on your own contributions to the situation. Take responsibility for your mistakes and shortcomings. Instead of assigning blame, focus on problem-solving and finding constructive solutions. Create an environment where team members feel comfortable admitting their mistakes and collaborating to overcome challenges. By letting go of the urge to blame, you'll foster a culture of accountability, open communication, and continuous improvement.

Identifying poor leadership habits is crucial for growth. Eradicating neglect, indecisiveness, micro-managing, excessive ego, and blaming allows you to cultivate effective leadership. By recognizing and addressing these traits, you can transform into the commendable leader you aspire to be.